Would you like to get a free Karambit knife? There are many websites where you can get one for free as long as you pay for shipping. Depending on the company, the shipping might be little, and also the quality and the design of such karambit knives are going to differ, but there are some choices that you can choose from when buying a Karambit.
What kind of design is best
Karambits are mainly designed to be slashing weapon instead of a thrusting or a cutting one, so choose a design that has the best edge and a decent curve. The curve and the sharpness of the edge will be the deciding factor whether it will be a good slashing weapon of choice or not. Some of the designs have paint or interesting colors that go along with it, which you can choose from as well, but it comes to personal preference.
What material is best?
Rust-proof steel is obviously the best when it comes to material choice, but there are interesting selections and makes that you can choose from for the shits and giggles. For example there are wooden Karambits, Karambits made out of just iron. But if you want a modern one that is durable and made out of high quality materials, choose one that has a rubber handle that is well constructed and has a stainless steel blade. It won't rust if it gets wet and you can make it go through more punishment than your regular Karambits.
How to be safe?
With such tools and knives, you need to keep yourself safe and your kids safe. So if you have kids or children, maybe it would be wase to have a compartment where you keep the Karambit separately. Kids most likely will try to be cool and play with it by acting and pretending, especially because of video games you see Karambits being used and kids think it's cool to show off and have one.
If you are under 18 years of age, you probably should not get one because it will require discipline and patience to learn how to use it effectively and practice using the tool. You could hurt yourself if you are using it the wrong way and if you are not comfortable with your yourself.