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The Best EDC Flashlights You Must Have

There are many important reasons why you should get an EDC flashlight for your everyday use. It’s always a good convenience to have when you’re hiking will perhaps when he walking alone at night. It’s a good way to stay safe and protect yourself in self-defense situations. So for such cases here or to EDC flashlights that you can get today for free.


The Q5 taclite is EDC flashlight that is suited for people who looking for something that’s portable while at the same time being durable. Because it is waterproof if you happen to drop it from tall distances then you don’t have to worry as much compared with traditional flash lights.

The flashlights uses traditional double a batteries to work. so you won’t have much trouble or difficulty finding replaceable batteries and using it over and over again.


Hybeam is another EDC flashlight that can be suited for most of everyday use.It’s very similar to Q5 taclite when it comes to build and how far it can lights up. However compared with the other flashlight it’s a bit narrower and supposedly the people who developed the flashlight say it’s more so tactical and can be used in situations that are more suited for self-defense.


If you are going to be hiking camping or going on excursions then flashlights that are suited for hiking might be a better choice. Some flashlights have the capability of recharging via the sun or through a USB port. It depends on what kind of model and what kind of design you get.

The flashlights that were mentioned above could be used for hiking if you do bring extra pair of batteries and in most situations it can come in handy and be reasonable to use because 300 lumens it’s perfectly fine for most of hiking use. But if you’re looking for flashlights that are more powerful send different models that are above 1000 lumens should be your choice.

Waterproof and durability craftsmanship or also something to consider when you are picking a flashlight that is for hiking use.

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